Tim – Guardian of Eden

Kenya 2019

Tim was the most famous iconic elephant, recognised as one of the continent’s largest elephants. He died, aged 51, in 2020, from natural causes. I shot this image in 2019 when he crossed our path, and I was only 2 metres in front of him in the grass. It was an incredibly magical encounter.

Joachim Schmeisser

Print Only: $22,000.00
Framed Print: $22,245.00
Print Size: 1500×1200 mm
Frame Size: 1800×1500 mm
Paper Type: Hahnemühle Photo Rag® Baryta 315gsm
Frame Colour: Black
Exhibit: POS JS 395 10


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Tim – Guardian of Eden
الفيل تيم – حارس عدن
Fine-Art Limited Edition Archival Giclee Digital Print
Edition: 3/7

Kenya 2019

Tim was the most famous iconic elephant, recognised as one of the continent’s largest elephants. He died, aged 51, in 2020, from natural causes. I shot this image in 2019 when he crossed our path, and I was only 2 metres in front of him in the grass. It was an incredibly magical encounter.

كينيا 2019

اكتسب الفيل تيم شهرةً كبيرةً، ويُعرف بأنه أحد أكبر الفيلة في القارة. فارق الحياة عام 2020 عن عمرٍ يناهز 51 عاماً لأسباب طبيعية. والتُقطت هذه الصورة عام 2019 حين صادفنا تيم في طريقنا، وهنا كنتُ أمامه في الأرض العشبية على بُعد مترين فقط حيث اختبرتُ لقاءً من العمر بكلّ ما للكلمة من معنى.

Joachim Schmeisser
يواكيم شمايسر

Print Only: $22,000.00

Framed Print: $22,245.00

Print Size: 1500×1200 mm

Frame Size: 1800×1500 mm

Exhibit: POS JS 395 10

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